The lectures are available for download here. We will upload them ahead of the corresponding classes whenever possible. Given the broad and comprehensive topics in this course, we greatly value the shared external resources. We acknowledge and respect the copyrights of publicly available materials, including those from Stanford CS231n Spring 2024, Lil’Log, and other public resources as referenced and noted in the slides. If any oversight has occurred, please do not hesitate to contact Guangjing.
Trustworthy AI Systems Overview
tl;dr: An overview of trustworthy AI system principles and course syllabus.
Suggested Readings:
Deep Learning for Image Classification
tl;dr: A review of deep learning basics and its application in image classifcation.
Deep Learning for Image Segmentation
tl;dr: An introduction to semantic segmentation, object detection and instance segmentation.
Suggested Readings:
Generative Modeling (Part I)
tl;dr: An introduction to generative adversarial network and neural style transfer.
Suggested Readings:
Generative Modeling (Part II)
tl;dr: An introduction to variational autoencoder and diffusion models.
Suggested Readings:
Deep Learning for Audio Recognition
tl;dr: An introduction to speech and speaker recognition and human factors in deepfake audio detection.
Suggested Readings:
Deep Learning for Voice Conversion
tl;dr: An introduction to voice conversion techniques and potential attacks.
Suggested Readings:
Pretrained Foundation Models
tl;dr: An introduction to the recurrent neural network, attention, transformers and foundation models.
Suggested Readings:
Large Language Model Agent
tl;dr: An introduction to the large language model agents.
Suggested Readings:
Hallucinations in Large Language Models
tl;dr: An introduction to LLM hallucination causes, detection and mitigation.
Suggested Readings:
Security of AI in Inference
tl;dr: An introduction to adversarial attacks and defenses.
Suggested Readings:
Security of AI in Training
tl;dr: An introduction to poisoning attacks and defenses.
Suggested Readings:
Accountability of AI
tl;dr: An introduction to accountability, AI-generated content detection and watermarking.
Suggested Readings:
Fairness of AI
tl;dr: An introduction to bias and fairness in AI Systems.
Suggested Readings: